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Some say Jesus is irrelevant

Some say that in our modern, advanced world, Jesus is irrelevant.  He lived so long ago and in a different culture that he is not important to us today.


Whether people realise it or not, Jesus and his teachings have contributed significantly to Western civilisation, shaping the society we live in today.  Many of our laws were originally based on his teachings, our years are calculated based on a dating system related to the year of Jesus Christ's birth, many phrases in our language originated in the Bible, not to mention the names of many of our friends and family. 


Throughout the ages, many followers of Jesus have been at the forefront of social reforms, education, health care and improvements in living and working conditions.  In every area of life, we could probably find a link to Jesus, his teachings or his followers making him more relevant to us than any other person who ever lived on the earth.

What makes Jesus most relevant though is that he dealt with issues that have affected people throughout the ages and throughout the world.  Issues about love, relationships, injustice, value, freedom, peace and the issue that is relevant to every human being, the issue of life and death.  That is the most important issue that Jesus Christ, Son of the living God came to address.

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