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God Knows The Desires Of Our Hearts – Noah's Adventures


Noah “a little ray of sunshine” around our church, yearns to go on adventures. He loves to interact with people in spite of his tender age of 1 year 11 months. He enjoys going in the car with his parents but one day his mum Leanne found that her car had broken down. This did not stop Noah and his mum looking for a new adventure though as they walked to the local bus stop and Noah took his first trip on a bus!

His mum Leanne said “his face always lights up when he sees a bus and he says bus bus”!! But, usually we just hop in the car and don't even think to go on a bus.”

Whilst waiting at the bus stop a lady came over and blessed Noah with a bean dog toy and he was so delighted that he was pointing to the dog’s ears, eyes and nose!!The lady told Noah’s mum that she was taking them to a charity shop but asked whether she could give Noah one of these toys.

We know that God works in all things for the good of those who love him! He knew that Noah desired to go on a bus and not only did he achieve that adventure, he was blessed to a lovely new toy!!



God Always Meets Our Needs – Janice's Exercise


Many years ago Janice swam for Great Britain so likes to exercise but due to lockdown restrictions and her personal needs, she was not able to access the gym and swimming pool in the same way as other people. However, God found ways to help Janice with her exercise!

Firstly, God used technology so that she was able to access an online fitness course run for visually impaired people which was free to join.

Next, one of the Personal Trainers from her local health club offered to come to her house to help her exercise and recently arranged for Janice to receive a lift to the health club so that she could have a full training session. Janice said, “It is really good to access exercise and I thank God for putting this lady within the organisation”.

Finally, Janice attended a 'Have A Go Day' organised by British Blind Sports, which offered opportunities for visually impaired adults, children and their families.  She was concerned about accessing blind sport as she has a hearing impairment and other mobility needs.  But, she need not have worried as she was given one to one coaching to access the sports she wanted to try.  Janice said “ I really got so much out of the day.  I felt the freedom of walking on my own outside on the field of play. I felt steady on my feet and experienced some freedom rarely offered to me outside my home in the world”.


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