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Some say Jesus is a prophet, holy man or one of many gods.

"This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him"

Many religions recognise that Jesus is important and, particularly, recognise him as a prophet, holy man or a god.  Islam describes Jesus (known as 'Isa' or 'Eesa') as an important prophet who was a messenger of Allah.  Hindus hold a variety of views but many see Jesus as a holy man based on his life and teaching and some include Jesus as a god, but one of many.  Sikhs see Jesus as a holy man or saint.


Although Jesus did speak prophetically and was definitely a holy man as he was without sin, he was much more than this.  In the Bible, in the book of Mark, chapter 9, we're told that Jesus took three of his disciples, Peter, James and John, up a high mountain where Jesus' clothes became dazzling white and there appeared Elijah and Moses (important Jewish prophets) who were talking with Jesus.  Peter, who was Jewish and understood the importance of Elijah and Moses, suggested building a shelter for each of the prophets and one for Jesus, thus honouring them equally.  However, a cloud covers them and a voice speaks to them, saying:


“This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!”


God made it clear to the disciples that Jesus was more than a prophet and greater than other prophets. He is the Son of God and the One that we should listen to.


Click here to find out who Jesus really is.

Image by Hà Link

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